On Thursday night, I did my weekly segment on Philadelphia’s 96.1 FM/ 900 AM W.U.R.D. show The Lounge. I talked to listeners about The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I spoke about letting go of attachment and doing what you can where you are with what you have.
I referenced Psychologist Carl Jung, compared reacting vs. responding and letting go of dependency and fear.
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Check out my segment LIVE on Thursdays 6pm PST/9pm EST on Facebook here: 900AM WURD to hear me give insight on keeping your mind, body and soul right for your life. You can also listen to The Lounge at the same time here: http://www.mainstreamnetwork.com/listen/player.asp?station=wurd-am
To find out more about W.U.R.D. and Black Talk Media click here: http://wurdradio.com.